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BEST OF 'S NEED YOU! NOW (pretty please)

G+_Ed Bellerose

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BEST OF'S NEED YOU! NOW (pretty please)


I won't belabor this. But I really REALLY need you right now.


All shows on TWiT are receiving year end Best of episodes and they require a lot A LOT of work and time to produce well.


I have only been producing This Week in Tech, MacBreak Weekly, and This Week in Google for a few weeks, but I'm charged with the bohemoth task of creating year end best ofs for them (not to mention All About Android and Android App Arena)


So, RIGHT NOW, tell me: What is a defining moment of your favorite shows on TWiT. The more info you have the better, but even something like "There was a discussion about drones on TWiT where John C Dvorak said something amazing" is helpful. I'm sure other Producers agree, but I want to make sure TWiT, TWiG and MBW have 3-4 solid discussions in the best of the encapsulate what makes those shows special.


Add a comment below (pretty please) or head over to http://twit.tv/bestof and fill out the web form. EITHER WAY, and whatever you got. PLEASE! 


(have I groveled enough?)


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