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G+_Kevin Spitzer (JaguarXT

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Was I the only one disappointed how Apple Intensive this episode was this week?


The chat room was a little trolly and I understood at the end why Leo had muted it. But I was disappointed nobody seemed to care there were other things to talk about besides Apple products.


Maybe bias as someone who doesn't own an Apple product.But last week's announcements just didn't feel as revolutionary as the TWIT panel felt it was.


All the new devices from Apple felt evolutionary vs revolutionary. But maybe I'm simply not looking at the big picture.

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I was kind of disappointed too. Any time someone makes declarative statements without any wiggle room along the lines that were being made get on my nerves. Maybe I'm over sensitive, but it seemed like Android and its phones were being treated like some jokey toys. They are different products for different people.


I guess this was not the week to listen if you prefer Android though.

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This is not a problem unique to TWiT. There is hardly any critical coverage of Apple announcements or news. That said, this TWiT was much better than I expected it to be - save for a few wtf comments by Mr. iMore. They at least made the points about what force touch is (right click) and what the iPad Pro is (MS Surface) which I didn't hear/read elsewhere.


You have to expect Apple domination in the tech press because of the market share and especially after their big announcement. Gotta pay the bills. But it's the fawning and over coverage at journalism-inappropriate times that makes me recoil.

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Also we have to remember that Leo was gone for the Apple announcement,  so he did have questions about the event. I believe a few of them got answered during the show. But there is a point I think many of you are missing, on how critical the guests and Leo were on the Apple app store policies, for one.

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