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That was such a painful episode to listen to, every step of the way

G+_Matt Lyons

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That was such a painful episode to listen to, every step of the way. Listening to Roger be extremely pretentious while claiming that Bioshock: Infinite was pretentious (while ignoring what the story was actually about) was icing on the awkward cake.


I like everyone on that particular episode on their own but put together it was just... weird.

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Remington O'Dell - Do you still them call conspiracy theories when they tend to come true?  


Leo seems to be loosing his verbal filter an awful lot lately.  The way he talks about women is often bad enough, but I was blown away when he used the N word last night.  I felt really bad for Lamarr, to me he just looked like he wanted the whole thing over with.

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Dvorak's conspiracy theories are part of his schtick. Arguably, everything he does on TWIT -- being contrarian simply to be contrarian, the conspiracy theories, the self promotion -- is one big schtick. Which would be fine, save that he tends to commandeer the airtime and that the ruse has become predictable and, to me, tiresome. Brushwood's a better, more substantive counterweight; he just lacks some of the institutional knowledge Dvorak has.


But Dvorak revels in the negative attention (all attention really), he's an old friend of Leo's, and he'll never Calacanis himself off the program. As noted, I'm sure he's a fine guy in person. But as far as the consumer bit of it goes, c'est la vie, friends.


Roger was fine. A bit of a saving grace at moments, really.

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I like Dvorak's schtick taken with a grain of salt. A lot of the people on the show, but not all are there for the exposure, both they themselves and the show benefit.


What I am getting tired of is the mention of politics and political agendas that from time to time seems to be creeping into the show.  I wish they would edit these out of the podcasts not being streamed live.  It may be my imagination, but they seem to be increasing.

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