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I have a proposition

G+_Matt Lyons

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I have a proposition.


 I enjoy watching Jolie and John feeding their own ego as much as everyone else, but I'm one of those weirdos that think tech news is super neat and it'd be cool to see some of it on This Week In Tech. Could we possibly have two episodes every time Dvorak and O'Dell come on? We'll give them one episode to be super hilarious and show how different and edgy they are by believing all the bullshit conspiracy theories they want and pretend to not understand simple things for the sake of sounding different ("oh my god why would they scan books I don't get ittttttt") then they can tell their super hilarious anecdotes that show us how better they are than these other tech peasants. We'll have one show where they are muted that can actually talk about tech. Everybody wins!

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William Seiler I was surprised Leo paired those 2 again after a lot of objections last time. I watched it live, so I don't need to download it again.


Honestly, I don't have a problem with John or Jolie seperatelly. But the 2 together just seem to grind the show to a hault as Leo really seemed to be struggling toward the end of the show.?


It was interesting and awkward to see Leo explain his view on Adam Curry to fans in the chat room. One calling Leo a dueche bag.

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David Pick agreed. The two are like baking soda and vinegar (I just realized how ironic my intended comparison is given regular references to John's wine and vinegar and Jolie's baking), entertaining to watch for a bit but it's really just a mess when all is said and done. The only episodes I've ever skipped through or flat out deleted have had both on.

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I have no problem with either. ?


Hey, they're not even on the show very often.


I can see Dvorak perhaps annoying me if he was on a lot. As he does tend to derail things a bit, which is funny as he used to be the one claiming to keep things pushing on to the next story. Even so I still like him. ?


I like Jolie too. ?

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I think they're both fine individually, but when their powers combine, it does become incredibly snarky and anti-tech, which I don't think is that great for a technology news and discussion show. The comment by someone in chat during the show of how much Leo sighs when they're both on the show was on point. Its like Leo is struggling to pull the show along and try to be the lone voice advocating tech. The skype guest usually might not as well be there. I like them both but not together. I still don't see how Jolie can be a tech journalist and dislike technology as much as she seems to.

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You know I always thought that the news show on the TWIT network was something called "TNT" but I could be wrong after all Mike Elgan is trying to make a news dept with Leo Laporte s backing. And they have a daily and nightly show.

And that the TWIT sunday show was tech pundits digesting the news and giving opinions on it. With each host and guest givng different views on the stories.


Myself, it dosen't matter who is on TWIT, because if I am not interested in the stories themselves I am not much into the episiod, not matter who is on. As I don't use Twitter and all the other social media stuff (save facebook and G+), so it just gets a meh out of me. But other subjects interest me tot he point I am doing nothing but watching the show.

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