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Leo on Facebook: "Stop exaggerating and worrying about these evil scenarios that haven 't happe...

G+_Matt Lyons

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Leo on Facebook: "Stop exaggerating and worrying about these evil scenarios that haven't happened yet"


Leo on the FCC rulings: "The world is going to end and the absolute worst case scenario is going to happen." 


He is doing the exact same thing he was mocking people for doing with Facebook privacy stuff. He's assuming the absolute worst scenario and arguing as though it's fact. 

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Bob Nielsen

I don't agree with that.  The messenger is not intrinsic to the message.


The good news is that Leo is mono-focused, so maybe he can agitate enough people to address one problem.  And you can't fix the nebulous Facebook "threat".  Either you strangle Facebook in its cradle and lose out on what it offers, or you leave a potential threat to you alive, like you do with everyone else on the planet.

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Actually , your thinking that the FCC rules and Facebook are in the same league with each other. Your making two dissimilar issues into the same issue.


The Facebook issues about how advertisers are tracking the things you do so they can beat out the other advertisers to get your money.


The FCC issue is based upon the network providers controlling everything that goes on the net through pricing everything in their favor.


To boil it down even further: The facebook topic is about competition and the FCC thing is one trying to keep a monopoly from happening.

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Joseph Polk


The two sides of the competition coin, one there is enough, the other there isn't any.

Not saying the group might not have been in the "sky is falling" mode. But it is two different issues, that can have to different responses. (At least in my opinion, everyone is free to disagree with me though.)

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Quincy Earl Jones


I am not really a John D fanboy, even if I come off as that. But I am sure as hell not a Scobble fanboy, something about him just doesn't sit right with me. So I can understand why people aren't John D fans of any sort.

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Josh Frye What I don't like about him is that he tries to dominate wherever he appears. I could see Leo Laporte and even Brian Brushwood trying to contain him during the episode. I LITERALLY spent the episode yelling "Shut the hell up, Scooble! Let someone else talk!" at my TV. Poor Marques Brownlee . EVERY TIME he stopped talking it was because of an interruption from Scooble. Then to have the nerve to say "Kinda hard to jump in when you're remote, huh Marques?" Then who do you know that openly attacks the chat room because they don't agree with your point of view or are not fellow Facebook fanboys. Hey, Facebook is cool and all but I can live without it. No Scooble, I don't owe Facebook anything so quit telling me how much they have "given" me that I don't pay for. He really made this episode frustrating to watch.

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