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This is so enjoyable to see just how crappy the Google Pixel always have been


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This is so enjoyable to see just how crappy the Google Pixel always have been.


Now I can see why they only sold 2 million wannabe hack Apple iPhone Pixel's made by HTC.


And to think the Pixel 2 will arrive with no headphone jack Google products will always be a sad joke.

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Based on the video the Pixel is behind by at most half a second except for that one game. (Also booting speed was longer but does that really matter? I only shut off my phone once a week.)


Let's look at this objectively. The S8 just came out and has the latest Snapdragon processor. The Pixel came out roughly 8 months ago and has an older? Snapdragon processor. Yes, let's compare speeds ?.


It's actually admirable the Pixel keeps up like it does. My Pixel is still as fast as the day I bought it. Samsung phones bog down after 6 months. Too much bloat. I owned the S8 for a bit. While fast it's certainly not smooth. It chugs much more frequently than the Pixel because of poor optimization. Pixel 2 is gonna be great, and I'm not sure where you're hearing it won't have a headphone jack.

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You are fooling yourself my friend. The S8 and S8plus are the fastest Android phones period.


Faster than the Pixel sleep. And the Pixel 2 won't matter because just like the Pixel it'll be another Android iPhone at best with an outdated Snapdragon 835 by the time October rolls around.


Plus the Note8 in September will bitch slap any silly Pixel like it always does.


At the end of the day Google is nothing more than a flawed software company at best who thinks they are Apple which they aren't. Jared Gauthier?

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