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Hey all It looks like I may have lost my wifi Nexus 7 Or possibly stolen The good thing is I...


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Good news!  I found it in my car's glove compartment. I NEVER put it there.  I guess it pays to stick to a pattern that works.


I looked at AndroidLost and it might have worked if my Nexus 7 ever got a Wifi connection.


The only downside is that I don't have the excuse to buy something new.  :)


The question is, now that I have the benefit of planning ahead for this scenario what is the best solution.  Should I just go with Lookout?  I do wish there was a way to enable device wipe on a certain number of PIN attempts.  It doesn't seem to be something built into Android.  Though it should be.


Thank you everyone for your tips and suggestions.

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If you're rooted you can install Cerberus under the OS, meaning it will stay installed/working even after a full wipe. If you do that, make sure you create a guest account on the Nexus that is not locked (as in pin, pattern, password or face locked). That way, a would be thief will have a way to connect it to a wifi connection.

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