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Listener Request: An Interview with the Camera FV-5 developer about the whole new Camera API


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Listener Request: An Interview with the Camera FV-5 developer about the whole new Camera API


It's just a request and I've absolutely no idea if the developer would participate in such an interview, but I think he would be a very interesting guest to talk about the L release and its new Camera API. '


- he is into photography

- his apps have always been about great manual control for professional use (photo & video)

- he's been working on a big update with a switch to the whole new Camera API v2 in Android L for quite a while and recently launched a beta


I think he would be a very interesting guest for many of us listeners to talk about the new camera api and it's new possibilities like real long time exposures, DNG raw support and such things. In my opinion it's one of the biggest changes in Android L we user will benefit from. 





Jason Howell Gina Trapani Ron Richards 

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