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I have a little bit of a dilemma

G+_Neal Carter

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I have a little bit of a dilemma. I currently have a Samasung Charge SCH- I510 and am eligible for an upgrade, I got the charge as soon as it came out (seeing as it was the only 4G VZ android phone at the time). The dilemma is do I upgrade to the Galaxy s4 or do I wait until the s5 is out?

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If your choice is between the s4 and the s5 I would get the s4 now. Samsung brings out new Galaxy's every year and because of your carrier's upgrade schedule most people get new phones every other year or every two years anyway. Get the s4 now and then wait for the s6 in 2015.

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I was in the same boat with the LG Revolution. Couldn't wait to upgrade. I went with the Note 2 so the possibilities of what the Note 3 can be are intriguing. Two years was a long time to go with what turned out to have not been a good phone. Just pay close attention in your choice so it doesn't happen again. Of course there are lots of great phones out there now to choose from unlike 2011. 

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