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It 's almost become a tradition, the week after an iPhone announcement we see all the articles a...

G+_Matt Wells

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It's almost become a tradition, the week after an iPhone announcement we see all the articles about the next version of the iPhone and how revolutionary it will be. All this because the one that just came out was pretty much identical to the last one. The fact that Apple is doing well with normal iterations on a phone isn't good enough anymore.

They're still waiting for some amazing magic to happen and who can blame them. However if you even look at the speculation around the next iPhone that's in this week's crop of articles they all just suggest things that are 3 years old on Android phones. Curved screens, widgets and so on. All in all that should tell us something, if you want to look at what is really pushing the mobile market look no further than Android devices.


I'm definitely not so blind to say that Apple doesn't have a refinement level that honestly some manufacturers don't have; however it's just not the case to say they're the only ones.

I'll take my Nexus any day of the week and will continue to read how revolutionary next year's device for Apple will be since this year's just didn't cut it for pundits.



I wrote this because even my wife who's had the iPhone One and every generation thereafter is simply tired her iPhone. We purchased her the Note 7 and we all know how that turned out. I suspect she'll not be purchasing this latest iteration and moving to maybe the retooled notice 7.

I for one welcome the group from Cupertino coming out with some amazing device. It just pushes the market further. It's just not happening much these days.

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