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There is a place for Google+, and it 's not as a Facebook competitor

G+_Paul Fidalgo

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There is a place for Google+, and it's not as a Facebook competitor.


Originally shared by Paul Fidalgo


Inspired by the comments of Danny Sullivan on TWiG.


"Perhaps what might be best for Google+ is for its parent company to accept that it will never be a Facebook competitor, but that it does potentially serve an extremely valuable service as the Apple Store of Google."


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Totally agree. Does Google expect it to be??


And back after reading the article. It is odd that G+ doesn't work that well on Apple products since Google is on there. And yes, too much complaining about not getting updated fast enough. I think you can be political but that's kept more to communities.

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I think Google had loftier expectations for Google+. They wanted it to be a popular social network like Facebook so that it will generate revenues via ads or branded pages.


The fact it has so far failed to compete with Facebook should be a concern on its future. I don't think Google will keep plus running just for the converted few.

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