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WiFi plaguing Android Marshmallow - After using 6 0 for a day or so, I noticed that the WiFi was ...

G+_Bram Moerman

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Originally shared by Vinoth Ragunathan


WiFi plaguing Android Marshmallow - After using 6.0 for a day or so, I noticed that the WiFi was draining huge amount of juice from the phone, even taking the top spot on the battery chart. This seems to happen even if the WiFi is turned off. 


So how can we fix this? Well, we'll have to go through bunch of settings to do so. It seems like Google deliberately hid this deep inside location settings. This is how we can "temporarily" fix this issue: Head to Settings -> Location -> Click those 3 dots at the top right corner -> Scanning -> Turn off both WiFi scanning and Bluetooth scanning.


Even with this "fix" I noticed that it keeps draining battery life for no reason, not as much, but the problem still exists. This shouldn't happen! Especially when Marshmallow was built around battery life improvements. The fact that this bug has been causing problems since M Preview #3 shows either Google "missed" this chaos of a bug (or) only cares about that juicy location data. This should be a straightforward-user-friendly option, not one that is buried behind buttons and menus.


It's not a bug, it's a feature

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Just throwing this out, but the battery percentages are relative. Given that doze limits the usage of battery hog apps and services, it's expected that something new will be on top of the list. Is this really a bug or a perception issue? Does your phone actually die in a shorter amount of time than it did before the update?

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The last 3-4 versions of Android have been "built around battery life improvements" according to Google. They haven't delivered. Well actually, they did with jellybean. That version was their best. Smooth as butter and never had any problems with battery life.?

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