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do you know how to hide the clock in android?

G+_Joe Phelps

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Daniela Okafor? I'm sorry but that is totally incorrect. I've been running Nova for 5 years on the Nexus 4, Note 3 and now Note 5. And none rooted.


It may be that option is only available on the paid version of Nova (I've owned the paid version for so long I cannot remember).


But you certainly do not need to be rooted.?

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K?vanç Tokmak thanks I found it. It's got KitKat with an older Qalcom chipset. Looks like a fine phone.


OK - GO launcher ex. Does it. I have used it for a while and its OK. Not as good as Nova, but it works fine.


Here is a forum entry that tells you how to do it.



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K?vanç Tokmak hmmm. That is very strange.


Maybe there is a setting in Android that is preventing it. Or maybe a carrier setting.


I was running 4.4.2 on the Note 3 and it allowed me to hide the status bar fine, no root.


And my current phone the Note 5 is on Lollipop and it hides the status bar fine too, no root.


But it only hides it on the home screen and app tray, not on the lock screen or in any apps.


I'm sorry I can't help you further.

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This will do the trick. You can set the clock color as the same color as the background.


Enable the app after you install it, then click on the themes tab and click "add your theme". You'll see a template where you can change colors for difference components, tap the clock on the template and change the color. Save and exit for it to be applied.



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