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I also have that Logitech bluetooth keyboard that Ron Richards got for Christmas and like it so far

G+_Benjamin Deming

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I also have that Logitech bluetooth keyboard that Ron Richards got for Christmas and like it so far. One thing that might help is also hooking up a mouse to it using a OTG to USB adapter, making it more "laptoppy" since tapping the screen doesn't work for everything. I got this one: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005FUNYSA/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i00

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It depends. To use to add storage there's stickmount which allows you to plug in a flash drive but requires root. A mouse or keyboard should work without root. They can be wireless. Crazy enough, a USB hub works so you could plug in extra storage along with a mouse. Mine was kind of finicky in that I had plug in/replug in to get it to work but it could have been the cheap hub.

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Thanks. I am really pleased with the logitech bluetooth keyboard I have. However, I really want to be able to use skype with my N7. That said, it would be really nice to hook up a decent quality headset and mic since the audio plug on the N7 is 3 pole not 4 pole (like cell phone headsets with a mic.) So no mic in on the N7. I have tried three different bluetooth headsets and couldn't get any to work properly with the N7 to speak into it or hear audio out.

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