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Is anyone else getting these really low, abnormal percentages for screen?

G+_Benjamin Deming

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Jeff Ratte? and Johan Appelgren? I realized this as well during the moto x soak test and responded. They told me that is normal and your battery shows how much of the battery was used in coordination with actual loss. The only way this will get equal to 100% is if you take your battery down to 1 or 0%

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Johan Appelgren? here is exactly what the moto rep told me in case I did explain it wrong or maybe you do have something wrong


"Battery stats percentages are now based on the battery charge as a whole. In other words 7% means 7% of a 100% charged battery, or 7% of your phone's full charge. Stats will not add up to 100% unless your battery reaches 1%"


I copied and pasted his response

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