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Does anyone know how to control what search engine Google Now utilises to generate results?

G+_Martin Bell

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Does anyone know how to control what search engine Google Now utilises to generate results? For example Google.com or http://Google.co.uk. The reason for this query is the 'right to be forgotten' nonsense here in the UK. On my browser I can explicitly search through Google.com/ncr to get true results but I can't see how to setup Now likewise. Thanks in advance for any suggestions :) BTW ncr = no country redirection. ?#GoogleNow #righttobeforgotten #google

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I'm not techie enough to have an answer, but isn't it moot anyway? The UK ruling requires Google to remove all search results leading to information that's been slated for removal. So even though I'm in the U.S., the search results I see would be no more complete than yours. And yes, that totally sux. ? Unless someone can explain how it really works if I'm wrong.

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