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Just got Linux Mint running a machine over here and it is pretty impressive Definitely my new di...


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Whenever I introduce someone to Linux from Windows I recommend Mint off the bat. I tried to learn off Ubuntu (10.04 was the first distro I tried, I got it 1 week after release!), but it wasn't until I tried Linux Mint 10 LXDE on and old computer that I really started enjoying Linux/GNU. Since then I've used Arch for a little bit after that, then I tried Ubuntu, loved it until I broke it so I took the opportunity to install Ubuntu Gnome Edition 12.10 and I love it!

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I am a Sys-Admin for a team of developers.  Our machines are Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, but there are problems.  The developers have always had Gnome 2, and only a small percentage wanted to switch to Unity.  I've installed all of the machines with Gnome 2, Gnome 3 & Unity, But I make Gnome 2 the default so the users can choose.  I know of 1 person who uses Gnome 3, to the best of my knowledge, none have chosen to switch to Unity.  I've got two test systems out there, one with Ubuntu & Maté, and one with LinuxMint, Mate Edition.  So far, both users are happy with the machines.  I may switch this to be my default configuration.

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