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I 'm really loving these posts by M Saleh Esmaeili these are the types of designers that mobile ...

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I'm really loving these posts by M.Saleh Esmaeili these are the types of designers that mobile needs. Not just someone who is going to copy but innovate using the design language of the platform.


Originally shared by M.Saleh Esmaeili


Bounce? Flip? Jus' refresh!


It was last year when I was in conflict with myself about Pull-to-refresh and Android, so I wrote what I thought here: https://plus.google.com/110456813491619030792/posts/MV9h2CJYPDs


At the time I wished Google+ had a feature to let us embed images right in the body of the posts, so it was kind of hard to illustrate in just words. I get words like why didn't you make Carbon's refresh gesture more like Facebook or Twitter apps on Android. So...


Here's why, Android = Solid & Dimensional system, while iOS is elastic and while is skeuomorphic & natural looking, it's very 2D in interaction and its physics are 2D unlike Android that is dimensional yet flat, did I lose you there? 


While Google apps such as Chrome, G+, and Gmail all adhere to that on iOS, on Android they speak their own language, no pull-to-refresh, because there's no such a bouncy effect on Lists and Scrollers on Android, my solution was while I find pulling the best gesture for that, the bouncy feedback ain't right on Android, so the tilt-to-refresh effect was born.


p.s. pardon the bad video quality, one o' these days I'll re-acquire me a proper DSLR to shoot instead of using phones.


#Android   #iOS   #carbonstillo   #AndroidDesign   #UI

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