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Will this change your mind about buying the S4

G+_Marlon Thompson

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Will this change your mind about buying the S4. I still expect roms to come from other developers. But I'm so over rooting and ROMing right now I don't see the real benefit


EDIT/UPDATE: Thanks Brian Bishop for your comment. Here is a more comprehensive article on the whole kerfuffle http://www.androidauthority.com/galaxy-s4-not-cyanogenmod-support-174322/


UPDATE 2: this is even better as the developer contributes in the comments section http://www.androidpolice.com/2013/03/19/team-hacksung-expresses-frustration-with-exynos-but-neither-confirms-nor-denies-plans-for-cm-on-gs4/


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That's a bit of an extreme conclusion at the end of the article. This is one group and you (author) presume the entire dev community traipses after them as they go? Maybe it's just incindiary writing and if so kudos because you got me. And a far as the dev comm-- maybe cyanogen stepping away is just creating a void for someone else to step up.

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Yep Courtney Roebuck I was trying to provoke some discussion but I haven't rooted my S3 yet and I don't plan on it. Though like you I believe that other developers will step in but also I don't think Samsung has any incentives to be as open to the developer community as they were with the original Galaxy S.

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This actually might factor into my decision about whether or not to get an S4. I would probably root and rom it, and the great thing about Galaxy devices is that they get a lot of development support from the XDA community, CM being a huge part of that support. Without it, I'd be stuck with Touchwiz. And I prefer to go with a rom that's closer to the Nexus experience.

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Almost 3 years ago I had the Samsung Captivate. I rooted it which after thoroughly reading the how to info on Xda made it pretty easy. I put changed roms about every week and never had a problem. When I had a problem is when I got an official ATT update and brickex the phone. Of course I was 2 weeks over the year since I bought it and ATT made me pay the insurance to get a new phone. I got the Infuse and then last year got the SGS3. My laptop crashed before I got it or I would root this one. If you research how to root and do exactly as it says it is no problem.

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