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New numbers crew, jelly bean rising Jason Howell

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I don't find the jump from ICS to JB particularly surprising. There are a lot of Razr phones from Verizon that were updated in the past month or so. Considering each would be a two point change in effect that can have a big impact. It's a two point change because ICS loses a device and JB gains a device. Also are there that many stripped phones? I doubt there would be in the US but there could be overseas where the price is an upfront cost. But even system apps or the browser get updated so unless you have an absolutely stripped down phone with nothing but a dialer, texting app and browser these would still be occasionally updated. On the other hand if a person gets the cheapest phone available then there is a good chance it's his only connected device. He would have more apps on it if it's his only device.

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