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Giving apps another try

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Giving apps another try


The bad part about being an early adopter  outside of the major markets of the world is that you get access to cool things that just don't work they way they are supposed to. That was me with Ingress, I got in relatively early and of course their were no portals, so I started sending in suggestions and waited and waited. Finally about 2 and a half months after I got in the first couple of portals popped up, I captured it and...... nothing. I was one of the only active player. So after a while I just put away the app and gave up. 


Then I started seeing some nice changes in the app that looked really interesting, more mods, scanner improvements, notifications when portals were being attacked and many more portals were added in my country. So a week ago I started back in the game hoping that there were more active players. Well in one day two enemy agents smashed 3 of my portals created a field and we are in a daily battle for one of my key portals. My commute is now influenced by the location of portals. Has anyone gone back to ingress? I have a few invites if you are interested as well https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nianticproject.ingress#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDIxMiwiY29tLm5pYW50aWNwcm9qZWN0LmluZ3Jlc3MiXQ..


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Glad you are finding value in it now. I also lived in a no competition town for the early months, but they came and we battled. Since then, I have met and battled hundreds of people, I even got a job offer from one of them.


Bottom line, as with any game or hobby, there are costs and commitments required to play this game, but there is certainly a community behind it, some passionate players having and making it an enjoyable experience.


So, don't just 'give apps another try,' arrange a BBQ for all the local players on top of one of those portals and give gaming and IRL socialization another try.

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Great idea Jonathan Feist I am actually trying to get an article published in one of our local newspapers about Ingress as an acquaintance of mine writes a regular tech column and Trinidad and Tobago is very quickly becoming very Android centric. BTW my give apps another try is not meant to be disparaging. I actually have been looking at some of the apps I have not used in a while and seeing how and if they are improved . In fact my Google Now cards are filled with Ingress stuff because of how much I have been researching. 

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