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As many would realise I love the communities feature in G+ as it affords me the opportunity to sh...

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As many would realise I love the communities feature in G+ as it affords me the opportunity to share and engage with people who share my similar interests. While I think this community is very good with its engagement and that is thanks in a large part to the Moderators and Jason Howell who was and continues to be very engaged in the community, its always good to read posts like these.


Originally shared by Michelle Marie


Don’t Be a Google+ Community Link Dumping Dope!


/begin rant


Link Dumping Dope: (a) A person who goes from Community to Community posting links with the intent to drive traffic. (b) A person who posts links to a Community with zero commentary about the content they are sharing. 


If you’re posting a link, please have the courtesy to describe what the content is about that you’re linking to or explain why you are sharing it and what you find interesting about it. With the new UI changes that rolled out last May, Google+ no longer automatically attaches a description to links you share which means it’s more important than ever to include context when sharing linked content.  


Stop Treating Communities as a Content Litter Box


Google+ Communities are all about engagement! Unbeknownst to some, they are not created (and often times painstakingly moderated) just to give people a place to dump articles simply because the content they found or wrote about relates to the title of the group. Communities are designed to give users a place to share ideas, start discussions, provide insights, and network with like-minded people! 


Link dumping is considered disrespectful if not downright rude which is why most of the Communities I’m apart of (including the Cloud Computing Community I created and manage) have guidelines prohibiting members from littering the group with thoughtless links.  


Are You Providing Value? 


There’s nothing wrong with sharing links as long as your intention is to provide value and engage the Community. Doing so requires you to take a little extra time to include detail before posting. How would your boss or colleagues feel if every email you sent them only included links and never explained what the content was about or why you were sending them to read it?    


Don’t have the time to include a semi-thoughtful description of your post before clicking the share button? Then chances are you’re not providing much value to any of the members you’re trying to reach. If the Community you joined is important enough that you feel the need to contribute by posting then it should be important enough to spare a few minutes and write a brief description to include with your link. Google+ Community members want to be engaged so tell them something interesting, ask questions, answer questions, and leave comments. They’ll thank you and respect you for it! 


/end rant

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I agree Elizabeth Whitmire this is more targeted at those bloggers and spammers who jump into a community and try to drive traffic to their own site. Or as I have seen on the TWIT community just post things that have no relation to the community at all. We have been lucky in this Community for the most part as people either post really good links and opinions or come for help and they get it. One of the reasons I added you for instance is that you always post really good links to interesting relevant content.

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I'm amazed at how much link spam is automatically blocked before members of the community ever even see it. As an amin on the AAA community page, when I log in and check it out, I see easily five times more posts than you ever see. But it's all link spam, and Google hides it from view keeping the community relatively clean for members. Pretty impressive actually.

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