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Good news new Nexus 7 shouldn 't experience the ageing problems of the original and 4 3 rejuvena...

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Good news new Nexus 7 shouldn't experience the ageing problems of the original and 4.3 rejuvenates the old Nexus 7


Just read Anand Tech's "short" review of the Nexus 7 and it is impressive.one of the most interesting points the make is quoted below. 


The story actually is a bit more involved however. One of the big problems was that the slowness which occurred with the prior Nexus 7 took device aging to appear – it was great for the first few months, but after you started loading it things tailed off. The new Nexus 7 (2013) with Android 4.3 includes support for fstrim, essentially idle garbage collection, which TRIMs the eMMC when a few conditions are met – the device is idle, screen off, and battery above roughly 70-percent. I’m told that TRIM support has been part of the eMMC standard since around version 4.2, it was just a matter of enabling it in software. The result is that the new Nexus 7 shouldn’t have these aging affects at all. Better yet, fstrim support has also been added to the old Nexus 7 with as of the Android 4.3 update, so if you’ve got a Nexus 7 that feels slow, I/O performance should get better after fstrim runs in the background.


So Jason Howell and Gina Trapani don't throw out that old Nexus 7 yet. This feature may also be a part of new nexus devices going forward so it makes another compelling reason to go nexus.


Here is the article http://www.anandtech.com/print/7176/nexus-7-2013-mini-review

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Robert Nazarian Why wouldn't it?


From the article: "The Android framework will send out a “start idle maintenance window” event that the MountService listens for, and then invokes vold to fstrim filesystems when a few conditions have been met – the device hasn’t been touched for over an hour, no idle maintenance window event has been sent in 24 hours, and the device is either off-charger with 80% battery or on-charger with 30% battery. The goal is to have fstrim run roughly once every 24 hours if you’re in the habit of plugging the device in to charge every night."

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