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Just wanted to say that after a painfully long time I have jumped forward to the present age of p...

G+_Matt Bonnett

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Just wanted to say that after a painfully long time I have jumped forward to the present age of phones. Or at least 'relatively' present. For the past year and a half I have been stuck on an old Droid X which, at best, has stable 3rd party 2.3.7 roms (I think stock is 2.3.4?). It had finally tossed in the towel. After replacing the screen once since I had it for a 'oops' on my part, the replacement decided to start acting up on its own which I come to find is a common defect on these phones (The bottom 1/3 starts to glitch out and progressively worsen. Got toe the point it was the bottom 2/3 of the screen and would be unreadable 80% of the time).


I had recently upgraded my mom from an even older OG Droid and calculating cost, something reasonably up to date, can be used on our service (decided to switch over to Ting which was a great choice coming over from individual plans on Page Plus with paltry data options), and most of all is really snappy and doesn't bog down easily, settled on a Galaxy Nexus. Aside from battery life (which is easily remedied by an extended battery and the increased size isn't as bad as I was originally expecting), it firs every bill so far.


Decided to jump on the same phone for myself and couldn't be happier with it. Would definitely like to jump on a Nexus 5 but until spare income becomes available, that isn't happening. :)


Immediately installed SlimKat and I am just amazed at how Android has progressed in such a short time. Just extremely polished now and seems like everything that should have been in here before is finally in now. I even got a chance to utilize Tap & Pay the other day and want to use it every chance I get. Sadly not many stores around here have it which is a bummer. :( But I do want to buy some programmable tags to play with and try the tap sharing between phones.


And since both the Droid X and OG Droid technically 'work', I'm still going to try and find a tertiary use for them. OG thinking I might use as a dedicated Torque PDA in the car and Droid X see if there is any way to use it as a 720p webcam or something that doesn't require screen use.

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