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Cupcakes is hit or miss with me

G+_Marlon Thompson

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Cupcakes is hit or miss with me. I don't really eat donuts. Frozen yogurt ewww. I haven't had an eclair in years. What exactly is a gingerbread,? Is honeycomb even something you eat. Last time someone gave me an ice cream sandwich was in 2010. Two weeks ago someone gave me a handful of jellybeans. I bought two KitKat last week and haven't had another one since.


All this hype about Google selling out and driving up the sales of KitKat is getting a bit over the top. I have some control. Seeing Leo Laporte  throwing tons of KitKat on Sunday did not make me run out right then and buy a bunch. I admit it was easy to get swept away last week and get the KitKat bars, post some pictures and have a laugh. But guess what, I happen to like KitKat. I don't eat them on a regular basis and I don't intend to up my consumption because the phone or tablet I have is running a software called by that name.  I expect sales of KitKat to go up during the promotion (guess what, thats what promotions are for, sales usually go up duh) but then it will go back down. So Jason Howell Gina Trapani and Ron Richards  feel free to say KitKat or 4.4 or whatever on the show this is one guy who is not bothered.


Love the show......

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