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This is crazy, I was going to put in my order for the Nexus 5 this weekend, now

G+_Marlon Thompson

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Chris Jackson - it's not outdated.  Can you wake up your N5 just by picking it up off the desk or talking to it?  Not without killing the battery.


Also, don't forget, the N5 isn't available for Verizon.  I'm stuck on contract until the end of next year (then it's off to T-Mobile).  I'm seriously considering getting this for my wife and selling her S4 (we both can't stand TouchWiz that much).

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I have a moto x and it is a premium phone. The out of box experience is fantastic! I'm very happy with it and the size. It is very good. You can see the difference between this and Samsung's Pentile Amoled screens. This on is not pentile so it is very smooth. The enhancements to stock are purposeful and you will find yourself using them more and more. I pick up my wife's phone and look at the screen wondering why its not on.

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