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Nice article by Anandtech, i 'm saving this and sending it to people who argue about removable b...

G+_Marlon Thompson

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This article is a little self contradictory.  If the recommendation is to opportunistically charge, then the battery life argument in favor of fixed batteries carries less weight.  That said, I haven't read evaluations of battery life on phones with a removable battery being significantly less than those with a fixed battery.  And you can compensate for shorter battery life by replacing the battery, in case you don't have the opportunity to charge.


Similarly, if manufacturers provided devices with larger built-in storage as recommended in the article, there would be less of a need for external SD cards.  But they don't.  In Google's case, it's because they're promoting the cloud for everything.  But manufacturers that provide external storage are considering what users want, not what Google wants.

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There is no difference in battery life between phones with removable batteries. I have an HTC one ( non removable battery) and doesn't last any longer than a removable battery. As far as sd cards, personally I like having the option of extra storage. I know there is cloud storage,but I don't totally trust it. I mean if your network goes down then what? I hear ppl say sd cards get easily corrupted. I have never had one go bad on me. ?

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All my smartphones have had removable batteries and storage. But I have given up on the argument that it is necessary for me as a user and my next phone will not have either. The reason I want to save this article is to clarify the reasons why OEM's make these design choices. I have nothing against people who want it and as long as Samsung is around they will be available but for me i'm out. 

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I've seen more than one smartphone become useless because the built-in battery goes bad and won't old a charge.  I just sold a used S3 to a girl who was using a Motorola phone and although the phone worked perfectly, it only worked for 15 minutes before the battery died.  Since there is no removable battery, the phone becomes basically useless.

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As far as the battery issue goes they didn't mention those who want BIGGER batteries. My Verizon GNex was seriously pissing me off until I purchased a 3600 mAh extended battery. I LOVE this thing now and it will easily make it past my two year contract. Unless a phone has over 3000 mAh * cough Note 3 cough* I can't see my self paying big bucks for it. ?

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Oh and as far as the removable memory goes, I also have a Virgen Mobile HTC One V that I use as an iPod touch for lack of a better description. It is not on a plan for that reason but that means I can only stream music when I'm on wifi. The sucker only came with ONE figgin gig of onboard storage but at least it lets me put up to a 32 gig card in it. Until there is either #1 MUCH bigger onboard storage (its like ridiculously cheap now come on guys!) or #2 there is FREE wifi every where (and more than that 1.5 MB McDonald's gives out. Lol) its removable storage for me. ?

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