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From the CEO 's mouth

G+_Marlon Thompson

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From the CEO's mouth


So their has been a lot of speculation into what Lenovo is going to do with Motorola and here we have the first interview with the CEO of the company after the announcement. Of course no CEO is going to give you all their grand plans in a simple interview but there are some takeaways.


Lenovo wanted Motorola for a while even after Google bought them and they pursued Google and completed the deal in 2 months.

Don't expect to see Lenovo phones in the near future in US and Latin America markets. 

Moto X type of customizations could be coming to other markets (i think this one is slim.)

They want to go after Apple and Samsung hard and cater for the high, mid and low end markets. (100 million smartphones by 2015. Really?)




As a bonus this what Lenovo phones actually look like http://www.gsmarena.com/lenovo-phones-73.php


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