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I am such an Android fanboy

G+_Marlon Thompson

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If only it was as simple as that. Their are a couple of reasons that Samsung is the number one Android handset. One major one is that they are a massive company that for the most part doesn't have to go outside of the company for the components that make up their phones. Secondly they have the mindshare all over the world especially in the developing countries where the next billion smartphone users are coming from. In my country for example the majority of people only think of an Android phone as Samsung, the HTC one only just launched here this month. The S4 and the note 3 was available here on the day of its worldwide release. 


If Samsung were to suddenly disappear, which wouldn't really happen, their would definitely be a scramble by the other handset makers, but that would also be iphone and windows phone. When Nokia started going under nobody definitively said that the next major leader would have been Samsung,


Damn now this has become a Samsung vs the world post. 

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Samsung left a bad taste in my mouth after they crippled my wife's Note 2 battery life with the Jelly Bean OTA.  Wound up getting her an LG G2, but rooted the Note 2 and put CM11 on it.  I was really hoping for a Moto Nexus at some point, but with Lenovo at the reins, who knows if that'll happen.

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the are two reasons Samsung is where they are one is marketing. everything else including mind share is attributed to the fact that we the community christened them stewards of android and perpetuated them to all we knew as the must have android device oem.


the masses will go where there tech friends tell them. That is a real power we have and its quite tangible.

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Franklin Irelan I and all my tech friends tell everyone to go nexus, how has that been working out. The entire tech press told everyone that the HTC one and the Moto X was the phone to get last year...Yes Samsung has the marketing but they also are a smart and powerful company that was at the right place at the right time and executed perfectly. LG, HTC and Lenovorola are not in that position right now. Look at this article from wired a couple years back, I agree with the reasoning behind how Samsung became dominant. http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2012/04/5-reasons-why-nokia-lost-its-handset-sales-lead-and-got-downgraded-to-junk/ and again I am not saying that Samsung is the be all and end all of Android but dude they pretty significant and its not that easy to suddenly become number one

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