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The power of Android one

G+_Marlon Thompson

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The power of Android one


excuse the rant, just felt like expressing myself this morning


So Google is finally going to pull off the wraps on its Android one project in India on September 15th in India. I for one cannot wait. It is a bit unfortunate that they could not hit the $100 US price but I am glad they came close. Many people in western markets sometimes find it difficult to understand why a project like this is a big deal. Too often I hear the cry that “these people should be saving their money or using them more wisely than buying a fancy device”. And every time I hear it I cringe. The images of “Slumdog Millionaire” or an outdated documentary on Africa are what people think of when they think developing countries.  They ignore the fact that 73% of mobile users are in the so called “developing countries”, that mobile payments via your cell phone are established technologies in these countries. App development is also big in these countries and they are focused on solving the real problems of these nations such access to health services or crop prices or as I saw recently creating an Uber type taxi service for Suriname, because guess what people in Suriname use taxis just like people in New York. I leave you with 2 articles that I thought would be of interest from a website if any of you are interested in finding out about how technology is being used in the developing world.  






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