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Why Samsung licensing Here maps matter

G+_Marlon Thompson

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Why Samsung licensing Here maps matter


While its all cool to be dismissive of Nokia Here maps I think its a pretty big deal. I used Nokia maps way back in 2008 and back then it actually worked for me, a feat that Google maps could not do. In 2009 it was invaluable to me when I had a trip to London and I was able to use it offline on my Nokia E71. Even today I am finding ways that Here maps does certain things better where I live. For example because my house was built just over 3 years ago, Google maps does not show my street, Here maps does (and strangely Waze does as well and has not shared that info with Google even though they are owned by Google) . Google gives me my route but only Waze and Here actually gives me directions as I drive. So while its cool to feel comfortable that Google Maps works where you live, there are many places where it is just not that great. Also Here maps can be used offline. Now where in the world would a mapping solution that can be used offline and actually has up to date maps of location be useful. Oh yeah in the emerging markets where the next billion mobile users will be coming from. What does Nokia get access to, oh your location and information that they will share with Samsung to advertise to you and get a cut. BTW you can view here maps on the web just like Google maps (go figure) http://here.com/ and oh yeah with a little more research you can actually compare the mapping solutions available http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_web_map_services


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