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Google forced Samsung to be the way they are

G+_Marlon Thompson

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Google forced Samsung to be the way they are


Controversial headline I know but, I was reflecting on TWIT's coverage of the Samsung event while listening to TWIT yesterday and Dan Patterson said something that made me pause. He was talking about mobile payments and how Steve Jobs and Apple were able to make  deals because they could come and negotiate as a platform but Android couldn't. And if you look at Samsung for me the underlying message behind the event was look we can go out and make these deals with all these companies even the ones that are considered luxury. We can partner with the great minds of tech (though to be honest it was difficult at first for John Carmack http://www.engadget.com/2014/09/04/samsung-gear-vr-john-carmack/) and create compelling products. 


Gina Trapani mentioned she felt uncomfortable with the fact that the VR headset would only work with the note and that Samsung continues to make their products only compatible with each other and not from other manufacturers which sort of goes against the whole vision for Android, but i'm sorry Samsung is a business and they have to look out for themselves because Android/Google can only do so much, and actually often did very little. When Android had an ugly interface Samsung and others had to figure out how to make it usable, when apple was blazing a trail with the iPhone, Samsung was the one who stepped up and delivered with the Galaxy line. When everyone was talking about wearables Samsung didn't wait on Google but put themselves out there.  The latest Note is actually the first Samsung phone that I am contemplating.purchasing since the S3, Touch Wiz or not. And I'm sorry Motorola and HTC are not the saviors we are looking for. So at least for the next few cycles we get the Samsung we deserve.

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