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But its not about you

G+_Marlon Thompson

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But its not about you


I finally have a study I can point to and say those words anytime I hear a host or a guest on the show say "but I don't use voice search, I don't want to talk to my phone or watch" 


Originally shared by Android Central


Searching on a smartphone just by using your voice is a feature that is still in its infancy, and it's not exactly a shock to learn that teens are using and embracing it more than their elders. This is one of the many findings about voice search in a new survey commissioned by Google. #android


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Woohoo! I'm hip and with it! Or... maybe not given what I just typed.


In all seriousness, I use voice a lot to set location based reminders, do searches and enter transcription on Hangouts messages (which has nearly completely replaced SMS). I think it's more a function of familiarity with technology than age. If you stay current it's the same as if you grew up with it, compared to those that learned different usage patterns and stick to those methods because they work well enough. 

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