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Never look at a feature look at the ecosystem

G+_Marlon Thompson

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Never look at a feature look at the ecosystem


For those of you who don't "get" You Tube Music key let me offer  a possible reason why you should. From time to time Google puts out a new feature on one of their products that many people don't seem to get because people say "I don't use ..." Or I don't do ..." I have found this is the wrong approach when thinking about Google because many of Google moves always seem to be a larger play about the ecosystem itself. 


Consider that Google enabled playing music videos from play music , you can also send these videos to your chromecast. A playlist you were listening to your phone starts up when you enter your car on Android auto. A story about an artist you like shows up in Google Now (that's how I saw a story in my Google Now on Monday about how awful the Aaliyah TV movie was even though I didn't know anything about the movie I didn't search for it in the weeks prior to its airing and all Google had to go on was that she was one of my starred artists). The hooks Google has into your life runs deep and they are going to more and more start anticipating your needs.. 


Having used Music Key I can also tell you that having uninterrupted music videos with no ads is like travelling back to the beginnings of MTV when I would just have the TV running in the background and I have already done this with MK through my chromecast. I am sure added features in the future will be editing playlist for things like only live performances, more tweaks via genre and a Songza type integration for videos. To be honest All Access was awesome on its own but this differentiator makes it even better

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