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Can we have less Apple watch talk on AAA

G+_Marlon Thompson

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Can we have less Apple watch talk on AAA


Jason Howell  you know I am cool with discussing Apple, when it is applicable, but I fear AAA is also falling into the trap that I predicted a few weeks ago https://plus.google.com/+MarlonThompson/posts/dxr4zXmLLiF


The Apple Watch is not a real product yet, every single day my feed is filled with constant stories about it, and my podcasts are filled with people commenting about those stories. And in my view the Apple watch is not a direct competitor to Android Wear. The Apple Watch only works with iPhones, Android Wear only works with Android phones. Yes they both compete in the wearable space but they will be both doing basically the same thing. 


Instead lets focus on rumors of the HTC one M9, the galaxy S6 or some other ANDROID device. When the Apple Watch actually comes out we can talk and compare it to Android Wear but until then I really don't see the point on an Android focused podcast. 

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Agreed.  Eventually the witty banter wears on me and I just forward to the end of the show, bypassing the in-show advertising and the "apple talk" as well.  Maybe AAA is just too long and they need to consider condensing the show to keep things relevant to Android.  Maybe 30 - 45 minutes instead of 60?

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I kind of think the conversation goes where it goes and placing limits on that is damaging to the integrity of the show. Yes, its a show about android, but android is also influenced by many things that aren't Android. Apple is undoubtedly one of those influences. I think a conversation about wearables that doesn't touch on potential influences of what is likely to be a big force in the space is a detriment to the topic, IF conversation goes in that direction naturally. Don't get me wrong, I get what you are saying and we will be aware of it, but the discussion goes where it goes. Placing rules on it just means stifling that conversation cause people don't like hearing the A word. Sure, the apple watch isn't a product FOR SALE at the moment, but it IS a product, it does exist, and it will impact even Android users. Therefore, I feel like it's perfectly appropriate to talk about it.


Or am I wrong in thinking this way?

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Amen, Marlon Thompson! I love AAA, and this Apple Watch stuff isn't typical of the show. I'd love to see it trimmed out swiftly! Apple news is covered in excessive detail literally everywhere else on the internet. I enjoy the few havens that focus on different things that most of the tech journalism world ignores. Keep up the AAA refuge Jason Howell!

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Jason Howell I am not saying put limits but seriously going into how much they think they will sell is irrelevant at this point in time because it does not directly impact Android wear since you can only use the Apple Watch with an iphone and you can only use Android Wear with an Android phone.  When the watch comes out we can then discuss whether the popularity of the Apple watch has raised the popularity of all wearables. I a may have to listen to it again to see how much was said about the LG urbane compared to the Apple watch discussion, but I felt that was a more compelling discussion considering how low key LG was just a few years ago and yet they are the ones now pushing out what may be the most fashionable watch yet and how it could challenge the concept that only Apple and motorola could make a good looking smartwatch.


I am not telling you how to run your show but I listen to quite a few Twit podcasts and the Apple watch is discussed on many (if not all) of them, when Android wear is mentioned it is usually dismissed (usually by the guests) yet on Android shows, because we are so open to discussion we spend time on presenting all sides.  Let's wait for the device that doesn't have a custom watch face api and has taken out most of their sensors, whose battery life will barely last a day and cost more than the 3 moto G's to come out and then we can talk, right now I  simply don't want to be a part of Apple's PR department. 


And I ain't mad at ya, cool, just my view

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Scottie Rowland I just listened to the bit again and I was reminded of the point that kinda got my hackles up. They mentioned the Apple watch early in the conversation within context and moved on, which was fine they spoke about Android wear and pebble but then it came back to Apple again and how great Apple is. Maybe I just need to stop listening  live. 

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I actually feel like the deeper philosophical discussions about mobile OSes and how Android fits in are something that have been missing from the show. And, as someone mentioned above, you can't have that discussion without talking about Apple. It's doesn't have Android fanboy appeal but I think it needs to be done.


I would also say that, for the fanboys, I would like to see more talk about the deep technical stuff like Taller or Xposed or Kernels. For example, I recently learned you can use Commandr (Or Tasker and Autovoice), Xposed and Android Wear to create custom OK Google commands for the watch. That would be a cool 5 minute demonstration.

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 I won't go into it more here but as I said I have no problem hearing about Apple, as you said from a philosophical discussion, not about how much they would sell, and if you didn't realise by now I post things in here to start a discussion as I feel it improves the show as it gives Jason Howell  feedback (so yeah sometimes I am being an evil devil's advocate) However I felt some bad assumptions are being made about the purpose of the Apple watch and Android wear, I wrote a short post about it, https://plus.google.com/u/0/+MarlonThompson/posts/WCboH6MtV6m

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