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I 'm just not that into you a letter from Xiaomi

G+_Marlon Thompson

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I'm just not that into you... a letter from Xiaomi


Hello american media and consumers, I know you have been asking about me. You want me to change the way I look, because you say I look like that other person, you want me to come over to America because you think selling there is what it takes to be successful. But here is the thing...I am just not that into you. I have a good thing going here at home, I am more than phones or a cheap knockoff , I am also into headphones, set top boxes and wearables my goal is to be in every part of the home of the over 1 billion chinese people in my main market and that means I have to focus. Yes I am expanding to other parts of Asia, because that makes sense for me rather than coming to your crowded market. I hope to see you on a more regular basis in a few years but right now you are just not that important... I know that's hard for you to hear but its the truth.


Love Xiaomi 

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