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How to talk about Samsung 's lower than expected sales of the S6

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How to talk about Samsung's lower than expected sales of the S6


I know that the first thing we are going to hear from many people is that the S6 is a flop because it undersold but there are a few factors we need to consider. Samsung made 2 very similar devices with the difference that one had the unique feature that made it stand out from other phones. Samsung estimation was that for every 4 s6 sold on 1 S6 edge would be sold. They were wrong and as such had a higher than expected demand for the edge and had to adjust production which led to lost sales. 


But why did this happen? The thing is the type of person who buys flagship phone will spend the extra money on the one that stands out and in Samsung's case its the edge. Of course this is just one factor, the other thing is like it or not people who buy Android phones make less money (sorry its the truth) and Android phones today have been able to deliver a quality experience at a much lower cost, it is getting harder for Samsung to justify the cost of a phone that has no removable storage and battery, which are still features many Android fans value. That is why I always got upset with people who kept saying just make a metal phone, No android metal phone has been a massive seller (go ahead name one i'll wait and don't you name the HTC ones as they have underperformed). 


Is this bad for Android? yes and no. Its bad in the sense that no Android OEM will ever reach the heights that Samsung did which may affect how other OEM's approach their production and development for future devices. or even some OEM's getting out of the Android business The good news is we may ( and t do say may) see better more focused devices that give a better user experience.

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Paul Werner not according to comscore http://www.comscore.com/Insights/Data-Mine/iPhone-Users-Earn-Higher-Income-Engage-More-on-Apps-than-Android-Users this is not necessarily a negative but to be expected because of Apple's business model, they are considered a luxury brand and as such is more valued by persons who make more money. Its not a knock against us Android users its just a fact.

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Yeah well it just seems like an over-generalization. I get that you aren't knocking Android users as you are one too but it's just hard for me to believe that because a device can cost more (though some Android phones are just as much off contract) that that means the people buying make more money.


I know plenty of people that, like me, aren't poor but prefer the way Android does it. I know I'm no comscore but it just doesn't sound right to me. I guess that'll just be my opinion though. That and how numbers can be used to paint almost any type of picture.

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I am looking at the issue as an economist would, Samsung and other Android manufacturers are caught in a loop because they fight on price and the sad fact is  companies that prioritizes price will only ever attract customers who care primarily about price, and will have no choice but to race to the bottom. On the other hand, a company that prioritizes the product (Apple)— even if it costs more — will attract customers who care about the experience of the product, and in the long run be able to charge a premium. And as I said before that is Apple's business model so on average yes they will attract the customers who make more money and want to spend more money. Google and Android's approach captures everyone and that percentage will vary depending on the market. In my country on average a lot more professionals use Android (Samsung) but when I meet with the big business owners they have an iphone. 

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Makes sense. Plenty of people I know use Android for it's features at many price points. Personally I wouldn't get any Apple product but that's just because I don't prefer them to their competitors (mobile or PC).


I also think that not every person that makes a lot of money instantly wants to spend a lot over conceived value. I know that I make sure each product I buy is the best regardless of if it costs more. Cost doesn't always equal quality


I doubt you were arguing that point though, haha

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