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On the discussing of Apple on and Android show

G+_Marlon Thompson

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On the discussing of Apple on and Android show


Personally I have no problem with it but Jason Howell  and Ron Richards  you are ignoring the major reason why Android enthusiasts hate it whether it comes up, organically or not..Its rarely done on Apple or iOS focused shows, people are protective of their space. I know Leo brings Android/Google stuff from time to time on Mac Break weekly but that is Leo and Rene Ritchie is usually there to heavily counter and still say why iOS is better. But the trend in Android shows and even Android blogs is to be even handed and present the other side, and praise is usually heaped on Apple. On iOS focused shows its usually just scorn that is heaped on Android,. However go ahead and just try talking about Android in a positive way on Marco Arment's Accidental tech podcast. 


So what is the solution because as I said I  think you should mention  iOS in context from time to time ( just not extensively).

First don't get so defensive, yes it came up while talking about hardware but you are an Android show there are positive things you can point out (and Ron did make an attempt). Asking for consistency in Android hardware across OEM's is a pipe dream, instead look at how Samsung has evolved (despite what Franco thinks) their design over the years as has HTC and motorola. Most Android people find a manufacturer they like and stick with it so lets talk about that, is that serving the consumers


Second I disagree that everytime a new phone comes out with a new camera we have to talk about the iphone as the general public just doesn't care. That's right they use the camera given to them and they are mostly happy. My wife takes dozens of pictures with her 1st gen Moto G and she is happy with it. (yeah I know sample of one, but I hang around a lot of normals and they are taking pictures on their terrible camera as well and posting it on Facebook) In Jr Raphel;s reviews he rarely ever talks about the iphone camera when he is doing his comparisons, in fact he almost always keeps the discussion on Android and tries not to make a value judgement between Android and Apple, because he realises that they are 2 completely different platforms that do not operate in the same way. 


Thirdly , and this one is for the audience and myself, accept the fact the everyone is entitled to their opinion, even if they are wrong and if they are a guest whose opinion you really don't like, skip that show or hit the skip ahead button every time the open their mouth. I however like to hear differing opinions as it helps me to clarify my own.


These are just some random thoughts as I am 36 minutes into the show.

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I was going to post but Marlon Thompson beat me to it.

Pretty much all American broadcast media think that iPhones were the first ever pocketable smart device while every guest on the Twit network seems to be pro Apple.


Apple pros and Android cons are highlighted.


Apple cons and Android pros are ignored.


Everyone listening to All About Android already uses or is familiar with Android we've made our choice with the OS.  We don't listen to wonder what is going on devices that we will never use.


A simile would be a podcast called "All About Marvel Comics' and every episode entailed covering what was happening in DC comics.


In regards to cameras, everyone keeps stating that OIS is so important, yet the iPhone 6 doesn't have it.  It can't even contend with the newer LG and Samsung devices.

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At least All About Android isn't the worst of all the Android podcasts I listen to for this. Material is the worst - practically every episode contains some sort of apology for using Android. Sometimes more than one apology.


Speaking of cameras, am I the only person who really doesn't care all that much about the camera? As long as it can scan a barcode then I'm happy.

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