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AHEM Ron Richards on my thoughts that the free to play model is broken and needs to change

G+_Marlon Thompson

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AHEM Ron Richards on my thoughts that the free to play model is broken and needs to change.  http://toucharcade.com/2015/09/16/we-own-you-confessions-of-a-free-to-play-producer/


Now to be fair I posted my thoughts on Amazon Underground before they talked about putting in video ads, but I still hate it. But with the release yesterday of those low cost tablets I fully understand Amazon's plan and it so fits in with their business model (I love when companies perfectly execute their business model) . Ron's hope of some advantage if you are an Amazon prime customer will come in time I believe, because Amazon wants you to watch the content, play the games, watch the ads and then purchase the content. I am all for developers getting money but the 99c and IAP model is broken and needs to be revisited. 


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I wonder how they treat people like me who never ever ever spend a dime on a game for just this reason. I'd rather pay $5 for a game and play less games then spend money on an IAP for a game.


I'll do IAPs for productivity or utility apps especially if from (what looks like) an indie developer like Chris Lacy. But Electronic Arts or Zynga? Pssshhh.

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