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My Android Tech predictions for 2016

G+_Marlon Thompson

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My Android Tech predictions for 2016


1. Security updates will be the big differentiator for Android handsets in 2016, we have reached the point of good enough in the Android smartphone world and the monthly security updates that have been going out to the Nexus phones has been regular enough that I think the OEM's have to commit to it. Connected to this is that Blackberry will benefit the most (they released the January update to the Priv today) . I predict they will see a resurgence (minor) this year and release another Android phone that will be even more successful than the Priv (and have a better name)


2. We will finally see the uniting of Chrome OS and Android, most likely at Google I/O and the first device to get it will be the pixel C (via a software update). Some manufacturers will also release hardware variants (most likely Asus, Huawei)


3. The HTC vive will give HTC some breathing room to continue living for one more year as investors will be excited by the prospects and reception of the device. They will also release a well reviewed phone (security updates will be a feature, see #1) that will do better than last years model (which really isn't that hard to be honest)


4. AAA will be awarded a major podcast award this year, Florence Ion will continue to be awesome and win the arena. Ron Richards will debate whether he should get a new tablet running ChromeOS and Android. He will try to hide from all spoilers about Rogue one from around November, we will all hear about it. Jason Howell will continue to be the hardest working Android guy in Tech but will go to the annual ANDROID BAR B QUE (put it in your reminders right now Jason). He will also meet Hiroshi at Google I/O, Hiroshi will tweet a picture.


All the best for 2016 guys.

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