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Listening to AA177 about the person who had his phone stolen

G+_john ferris

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Listening to AA177 about the person who had his phone stolen. It's my understanding you don't have to have device manager installed to wipe the phone. Couldn't you just login to google, and wipe the phone from there? I thought that going to google play, devices, there was a place you could wipe a device. Please correct me if I'm wrong on this.

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You would go here https://www.google.com/android/devicemanager.

Also, they (Jason Howell Ron Richards Gina Trapani)  talked about how the Android Device Manager app had to be installed.  The app is for looking up other devices.  The remote wipe settings are in the phone under the Google Settings.  I do not remember if the Device Manager is turned on by default.

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It's my understanding that ADM is now included in the phone and that tracking the device is active by default... but permissions to erase the contents remotely needs to be opted into...


I'm wiping my Nexus 5 right now, and I will log into a Gmail acct as the main acct that I know I've never done anything with ADM before, so there won't be any defaults residing on a Google server somewhere. This should tell us what its capable of doing. I'll let you know.

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Interesting, on a freshly install Nexus 5 running Version L, and not logged into any accounts, ADM is installed and permissions for remote wipe are already enabled by default.  Not sure how this affects devices running JB. But as it stands right now,on by default which means I need to make a correction on the show. Thank you!

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Actually, didn't have to search far and wide. Just pulled out an ASUS tablet that I'm testing, I'm already logged into my main Gmail acct on that tablet and its running KK, and it has ADM installed but permissions for remote erase are deactivated. So we are likely looking at a potential shift in Google's approach to remote wipe permissions with version L. Obviously we'll see where it lands when an official version releases, but it turns out the advice on the show was likely accurate (unless he was running Version L which was unlikely.)


I will mention this on the show tomorrow. Thank you john ferris Nick Gailfus !!

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