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Google Cloud Messaging (GCM)

G+_Bill Barley

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 Google Cloud Messaging (GCM)


Announced at the Google IO was ability to swipe away notifications across devices.


I have LG Nexus 4 and Google Nexus 7. But notifications still come up on both devices, am I missing a trick to activate the Google Cloud Messaging (GCM)


Can anyone help?

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If I understand you correctly Mark Clydesdale , you can't swipe away a notification on one and have it go away on the other. You actually have to press on the notification on one & then the notification goes away on your other device. Essentially it's removing it due to the fact that you checked the notification and therefore do not need another one telling you the same thing.


I've had it act flaky like Joseph Cappellino said though. Another strange thing that can happen is if you've had several notifications on G+ or on Hangouts on your phone and then your tablet later on connects to data it will blast a ton of notifications and then they'll all disappear right after since they are all "checked"

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