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All About Android: a Parable

G+_Todd Miller

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All About Android: a Parable


...just a little note to the showrunners...


Once upon a time, Peanut Butter, Jelly, and Milk had a great thing together. Peanut Butter was crunchy, Jelly had a cool thumb ring, and Milk was just pleasant and professional enough to balance the whole thing out.


Then, to everyone's sadness, Milk reached its expiration date and departed the table. Peanut Butter and Jelly soldiered on, looking for another beverage. Their time with Milk (and her predecessor) had seasoned them, but they were interested in creating another yummy ensemble.


Then they met Kool-Aid.


Actually, Kool-Aid had visited before and was just sweet and tangy enough to lend a good blend of excitement to the mix of PB, J, and Milk. So when Kool-Aid came back to visit after Milk left, everyone enjoyed her fun and tasty interaction for a while.


But then things got a little messier. Kool-Aid's sweet, tangy, and colorful contributions were not properly balanced with the rest of the meal. Overall, PB and J made a good match, but were easily overpowered by Kool-Aid's super-sweet, tangy, and colorful contributions. At times Kool-Aid got to be so enthusiastic that she sloshed over onto the plate with PB and J, soaking the bread (who wants soggy sandwiches?) and other side items.


In the end, PB and J had to make the decision to talk to Kool-Aid about limiting her quantity per meal. Kool-Aid was mature enough to see their point, and scaled herself back.


Overall the meal was a different kind of experience now, but a good one. And everyone enjoyed the meal again and again for years to come.


He who has ears to hear, let him hear!

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