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Hey guys, really like the show, was testing Lou 's code and added some sanitizers to check for i...

G+_Tnt Seeker

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Hey guys, really like the show, was testing Lou's code and added some sanitizers to check for input that's <= 0. here's the code


using System;

namespace TwiT.Tv.Coding101


    /*START copying from here to paste in your program */

    partial class Program


        /***********Download the IDE***********/

        //For Mac Users: http://monodevelop.com/Download        //For Windows Users: http://www.visualstudio.com/downloads/download-visual-studio-vs



        /// Main function used in many console application.


        static void Main()


            while (true) //Loop used to keep asking for user input.


                Console.Write("Minutes until your appointment: ");

                decimal minutesLeft = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); //Gets mins as a decimal from the user. (Doesn't check if they dont enter a number)


                if (minutesLeft <= 0) //look's to see if it's too small.


                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;

                    Console.WriteLine(" {0} Is to little", minutesLeft);

                    Console.WriteLine("Press Enter");








                Console.Write("Distance you have to travel (in miles): ");

                decimal distanceInMiles = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); //Gets miles as a decimal from the user. (Doesn't check if they dont enter a number)


                if (distanceInMiles <= 0) //look's to see if it's too small.


                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;

                    Console.WriteLine(" {0} Is to little", distanceInMiles);

                    Console.WriteLine("Press Enter");









                int speedInMPH = RequiredSpeedInMPH(distanceInMiles, minutesLeft); //Calculate Required Speed using a function call


                //Write the text out with a space in between using {composite formatting} which is the {0} place holder that is replaced with the text.

                //http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/txafckwd(v=vs.110).aspx                Console.WriteLine("Drive approximately {0} mph nonstop to be on time. Good Luck!", speedInMPH); //Display the result to the user


                int kilometerPerHour = ConvertMPHtoKPH(speedInMPH);

                Console.WriteLine("That is {0} km/h for those of you using the metric system.", kilometerPerHour);


                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; //Set the text color to yellow

                Console.WriteLine("**Please Follow Posted Speed Limits**"); //Write the warning to the user

                Console.ResetColor(); //Reset back to the original color


                Console.Write(" to continue, or q to quit: "); //Tell the user to use or q to quit.

                var key = (int)Console.ReadKey(true).Key; //Retrieve the user input

                if (key == 27 /* key*/ || key == 81 /* letter q*/)


                Console.Clear(); //Clear the console for the next try.





        /// Convert Miles Per Hour to Kilometers Per Hour


        /// Miles per hour as a whole number

        /// Returns Kilometers per hour as a whole number

        static int ConvertMPHtoKPH(int speedInMPH)


            return (int)Math.Round(speedInMPH * 1.609344, 0);




        /// Calculates Speed based on distance in miles and minutes until your appointment


        /// Distance as a decimale

        /// Minutes as a decimal

        /// Speed in MPH as a whole number

        static int RequiredSpeedInMPH(decimal distanceInMiles, decimal minutesLeft)


            int requiredSpeed = 0; //initialize a variable for the calculated speed to return/


            decimal amountOfHours = minutesLeft / 60; // 60 mins in an hour

            requiredSpeed = (int)Math.Round(distanceInMiles / amountOfHours, 0); //Use the Math library to round the decimal to the nearest whole number


            return requiredSpeed; //return the speed back to the function caller.




        /// This is a method with no return value


        static void PrintMenu()


            Console.Title = "TwiT.Tv Coding 101"; //Set the title of the console window.


            Console.WriteLine("*** Welcome to Coding 101! *"); //Print a welcome message



            Console.WriteLine("a Repeat a word.");

            Console.WriteLine("b Convert numbers to binary.");

            Console.WriteLine("c Say Hello!");


            Console.Write("Select a menu item ( or q to quit):");



Thanks for the show!


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