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How I went from love to hate for Google Now Cards in 0,1 seconds

G+_Melanie Munro

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How I went from love to hate for Google Now Cards in 0,1 seconds

warning: this might scare you

warning: spolier alert, mainly behind link below


This morning, doing my business (you know where), I scrolled left on my home screen to look at the weather, updates etc. 


I was greeted by a card that popped up since I, the evening before, searched for "The Walking dead Season X".


The card (SPOILER ALERT) can be seen linked below, and for those that do not want to see it, here is the basics of it without saying too much:


PERSON"Y"'s Chocking Death                   LARGE IMAGE OF "Y"

On the Walking Dead

Sparks Petition to bring...


So, how on earth could I avoid this, and situations like it in the future? The only answer I can find is to turn off all Google now cards that I get "due to interest" or due to "having searched for". I sure hope that is possible. Otherwize I will simply have to quit google now. NOW!


Spolier alert: 


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It definitely showed you that because you googled TWD, probably multiple times.


If you go into the settings, via the magic wand in Google Now, you can go into the Everything Else section. First thing in the list (for me any way) is "Continue to get updates on your research topics?". Set that to No and it should take care of it.


The show may also be a separate item in the Everything Else list. It could also be in the TV and Video settings as well.


Then you just have to worry about Facebook showing you that your friends liked articles with spoilers in the titles.?

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The spoilers also benefits the broadcasters. It pushes the consumer to watch the show in real time, so they can't be spoiled. The more people who watch TWD on Sunday night the better for AMC's bottom line, at least from advertising.


But if it weren't for my DVR, I would probably have never started watching the show. This is probably true from many other watchers.?

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