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OK so I was reading Ron Amadeo? 's long thorough review of Lollipop

G+_Ken H

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OK so I was reading Ron Amadeo?'s long thorough review of Lollipop. Great read by the way. I found a really nice feature he talks about that I'm sure some of you will love too.


There is a "Network Restrictions" option and this is what Ron said about it:


This lets you flag a Wi-Fi hotspot as "metered," putting it under the same rules as a cellular network. On such a network, apps won't update automatically, and you'll be prompted for large downloads.


I'm happy because there is times I use tether my N5 to my Wi-Fi only N7 & I don't want it eating up data when I just need to do a few things & not update everything on the tablet. Just thought I'd share this with the rest of you tetherers out there

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