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Quick question for those of you on a Lollipop device that has an SD card

G+_Ken H

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Quick question for those of you on a Lollipop device that has an SD card. How do you delete files on the SD? Just got my Shield Tablet today & was watching a show. I wanted to delete the first;e after but it won't at all. I tried with Total Commander & ES File Explorer (TC is my favorite but ES came preinstalled).


I have verified that the SD is mounted as read/write & the folders/files are too. There is no error when trying in TC but it doesn't delete. ES it says it can't delete. Any ideas?

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OK, got it to work in ES. I had to be on the latest version (which I was) but to trigger the ability to do this I needed to try to copy something from internal storage to the SD Card. Once that was done it brought up the "document picker" screen in Android & I had to select the root directory of the SD Card.

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