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No, just no

G+_Ken H

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Originally shared by Paul Werner


No, just no. Can we please stop all this Target & Walmart? Nobody wants to use your apps for contactless payments when we have a fully functional app built into our phones via Android Pay, Samsung Pay, or Apple Pay. This is like CurrentC/Softcard/Isis all over again. It failed before with good reason. Do not rehash this.


Glad Meijer doesn't force this down peoples throats.


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George Byers well from that standpoint I can see that but over here in the US when they do this they also prevent users of Android Pay and others from using those methods. I really wouldn't care if they didn't lock you into their apps. I don't want 12 different apps depending on which store I find myself in

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TwoBit Gary I guess it depends on the bank. For me Chase Pay that will soon be out is inferior to Android Pay (as it's described anyway) so I would rather not use it for contactless payments. If you're saying that due to security though, I can only speak to how Google protects your info in regards to contactless payments and it is top notch.

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