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On tonight 's show you all HAVE to play this

G+_Ken H

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On tonight's show you all HAVE to play this. It's on a site but can be played in Chrome on Android. I'll be disappointed if Jason Howell, Ron Richards, or Florence Ion doesn't play it for at least a little bit. It's Mike Elgan approved and hilarious. Especially the "act harder" part of the online game.


It's all played in tapping the left and right sides successively and swiping up for jumps


Originally shared by Mike Elgan


Help Leonardo DiCaprio win the Oscar in a new online game. It's called Leo's Red Carpet Rampage!


In the game, you're Leo as you leap over picture-snapping paparazzi, battle Lady Gaga and advance through the levels. At one point, you'll be instructed to "act harder" in your quest for Oscar glory.


Play now: http://redcarpetrampage.com/


#leosredcarpetrampage #leonardodicaprio

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