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The success of Android may be it 's Achilles ' heel

G+_R Ballecer

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The success of Android may be it's Achilles' heel. Most handset cannot upgrade to newer version, unlike iOS. Unless you root, the handset is effectively a dead end device. I have always advocated every android device to have an Android 'core', while manufacturers can add attachments.

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Google needs to solve this in the next couple of version of Android. Even the Nexus line suffers just because drivers or kernels are not up to date.


Google needs to mainline android to the main Linux branch. They then need to help the ARM support and help get drivers upto date when applying it back to the Linux main branch. Once that is done, fix android to work like chrome OS so that updates can easily be done.


Maybe they will eventually create a Pure Android version where Google can push up updates to all devices, something like how Microsoft licence works. So it is upto the consumer if they want OEM versions or Google Pure experience with timely updates

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